Monday, January 25, 2016

Sign-Up Sheet for Bioart Presentations

As I mentioned last week, one of the assignments in the course will be that each of you will offer up a ten minute presentation on some bioart work. You can choose any of the work listed below, or make the case for someone I haven't mentioned but who seems like these or expands the vision provided by these. We won't be doing presentations on film days, because we need to have time to screen the films as well as discuss them, and I don't want more than two presentations on any one day, else we risk discussing the other assigned works adequately. Please feel free to post images or links here on to the blog before your presentation for context, or to comment here (or in class) on work you aren't presenting on. The more content, the more contradiction, the more provocation, the more beauty -- the better! I'll bring a sign-up sheet tomorrow, we can discuss the specifics more then if you like. See you all soon, hope you are enjoying the readings and finding the novels nice and cheap.

Presentations will happen on weeks four, five, six, seven, ten, eleven, twelve, fourteen, and maybe, ideally NOT, on week sixteen.

Some work to ponder:

Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey
Suzanne Anker
Sophie de Oliveira Barata
Louis Bec
Hans Bellmer
Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr (and sometimes also Guy Ben-Ary)
Catherine Chalmers
Jake and Dinos Chapman
Jaq Chartier
Hunter Cole
Chrissy Conant
George Gessert
Rick Gibson
Gunther von Hagens
Peter Gerwin Hoffmann
Zhang Huan
Pierre Jaquet-Droz
Natalie Jeremijenko
Eduardo Kac
Ellen K. Levy
Edgar Lissel
Donna Rawlinson Maclean
Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Reiner Maria Matysik
Marta de Menezes
Jon McCormack
Steve Miller
László Moholy-Nagy
Milton Montenegro
Nicki Nickl
Paul Perry
Jane Prophet
Marc Quinn
Oliver Ressler
Alexis Rockman
Michael Sappol
Gary Schneider
Andres Serrano
Pam Skelton
Kiki Smith
Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau
Eva Sutton
Nell Tenhaaf
Regina Trindade
Herwig Turk
Paul Vanouse
Gail Wight
Zhang Xiaogang
Adam Zaretsky

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